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PoolParty Only Server Rules (Counter Strike Source)
>>> PoolParty Only Server Rules <<<

1. - Kein/No Cheating, Scripting, Griefing, Tolling & Bugusing.
2. - Kein/No Voice-Chat & Text-Chat Spam.
3. - Keine Beleidigungen /// No insults.
4. - Kein/No Bunnyhop.
5. - Keine Membersuche/Werbung /// No Membersearch/Advertising.
6. - Text-Chat & Voice-Chat Sprache ist Deutsch oder Englisch /// Text-Chat & Voice-Chat language is German or English.
7. - Keine grundlosen votekicks, votebans und votemutes /// No groundless votekicks, votebans and votemutes.
8. - Keine rassistische/diskriminierende Spraylogos/Nicknames und ähnliches /// No racist/discriminatory spray logos/nicknames and the like.
9. - Bei Knife-Fight als CT nicht vor dem T weglaufen /// In Knife-Fight as CT, don't run away from the T.


>>> Chat Commands <<<

1. - Buy Weapon T & CT: !ak, !m4
2. - Ranking: rank, next, top, statsme, session
3. - Server Rules/Forum/Chat Commands: motd or /motd
4. - Stats reset: !resetscore
5. - Quake Sounds: !quake or /quake
6. - Change Servers: !servers or !hop
7. - Bot Control: Press "E" on the Keyboard
8. - Players Vote: votemute, votekick or voteban
9. - KnifeFight: !kfmenu

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